Mona Fluitt has enjoyed a nearly 30-year career as a nonprofit manager serving many of Houston’s finest nonprofit organizations including the Children’s Assessment Center; Children’s Museum of Houston; Covenant House Texas; Cultural Arts Council of Houston/Harris County; Downtown Houston Association; Fresh Arts; Hermann Park Conservancy; Houston Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals; Houston Museum District Association; Houston Public Library Foundation; Houston Symphony Society; San Jacinto College Foundation; South Main Alliance; and Theatre LaB Houston just to name a few. Her work includes board training, strategic planning, project management, volunteer management, event management, nonprofit accounting, grant writing and management, grant review, database management, and records management.
She is an experienced event manager producing conferences and conventions including multiple years of Southwest Fire Rescue (a collaboration of the Texas Fire Chiefs Association and Texas Fire Educators Association); Texas Lacrosse Expo; and the 2011 American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting & Museum Expo. She has also played a role in a long list of galas, auctions, golf tournaments, shooting tournaments, and fun runs.
As well as speaking at state and national conventions, Mona is a regular nonprofit trainer at the University of Houston Small Business Development Center on the topics of nonprofit management and fundraising.
She is an expert in QuickBooks accounting software and developed a training program for using QuickBooks in nonprofit organizations which she teaches monthly at the United Way of Greater Houston. She has developed methods of using QuickBooks functions for the specific nonprofit needs of allocating overhead expenses across funds, tracking expenses of restricted grants, allocating investment income across restricted funds, and more. She creates Microsoft Excel workbooks that help nonprofits automate functions of payroll allocation, grant reporting, etc. She has developed a reputation for creating nonprofit friendly QuickBooks systems providing advanced reporting as well as finding errors and solving problems in existing QuickBooks systems. Mona has worked with the well-known Houston firms Blazek & Vetterling and Carr, Riggs & Ingram in preliminary work for IRS Form 990s and audits for clients.
In the area of constituent databases, Mona’s knowledge and use of Blackbaud’s The Raiser’s Edge dates back to the mid-1990’s when the software was still DOS-based. In 2014, Fluitt Nonprofit Solutions added DonorPerfect database design and management to its wide array of services.
Mona takes great interest in state and IRS compliance for nonprofit and 501(c)(3) organizations and enjoys studying compliance issues and creating informational workshops to strengthen organizations.